
Archive for August 17th, 2012

Perky’s Morning Joy in a Coca Cola Glass

So this is what fresh juice looks like:)  I am having fun with my new L’Equip Mini Juicer:)  My boyfriend, William, is not having so much fun.  He claims that all the juices taste like grass.  I like to think they taste “fresh.”   Also, he is new to fasting for more than one day.  I on the other hand just completed a  10 day Master Cleanse a few weeks ago.  For someone new to fasting, he is doing a pretty good job.  I am glad that he did not choose to do the Master Cleanse with me, I don’t think it would have been such a wise idea for a beginner:)

Anyway, since we have gotten the new juicer, I have learned a few things about juicing…

  • never put citrus in your juicer without peeling it first ( I peel it with a peeler, then put the peels in water and stick them in the refrigerator to use later.  They make great lemon sugar if you cut them very small and  put the cut lemon in sugar then rub the little peel pieces between your fingers with the sugar.  This is very good for cookies, pies and cakes… it is fantastic on top of  coffee cake and cookies)

    Rubbing the little pieces of lemon with the sugar to make lemon sugar

  • Most fruits and vegetables you do not have to peel, just make sure that you wash the out side of them
  • Always make sure to cut the vegetables so that they will fill comfortably down the feeder tube
  • It takes quite a lot of vegetables & fruits to do a 10 day juice fast, but don’t buy them all at once.  Buy some to start, then buy some more as you need them. If you are new to juicing start off with carrots and apples.  Most big grocery stores have big bags of juicing apples, get the whole bag, don’t worry you will use the whole bag before it goes bad.  And Apple juice is awesome:)  Also, I think Costco has big bags of carrots for juicing.  The other thing is, if you purchase too many items you will not have room in your refrigerator, they will go bad and well you may not like them juiced:)  See what you like and then keep introducing new items into what you like:)
  • If you do not like something in its un-juiced state, you may like it in its juiced state.  Case in point, William would never eat most of the vegetables that I put into his vegetable juice but he drinks them:)  “tastes like grass.. HAhah”
  • Write down recipes for juices that you like and start a collection.  There are a lot of recipes on line, use those as a guide but make your own, and keep a record of them.
  • Juicing is a great way to try new fruits and vegetables that you may never try on their own:)
  • Mix fruits with vegetables and vise versa..
  • Line your pulp collector with a bag, I use the plastic bags from the grocery, but you could also use the plastic bags from the produce department
  • Bananas do not juice.. at least not in my juicer, even though they have bananas on the front of the juicer box
  • When juicing greens, roll them up if they are loose and follow them with something hard like an apple slice
  • Make sure when using stone fruits to take the pit out before juicing (cherries, peaches, etc)
  • Make sure to always unplug your juicer before cleaning it
  • Never use your fingers to push something down the tube, always use the pusher or a carrot, parsnip, piece of parsley or other long vegetable
  • Always clean your juicer as soon as you are done using it, before you drink your glass of juice:)
  • Always make sure your juicer pieces are dry before you put your juicer away
  • When using your juicer be aware that you may have to clean out the pulp shoot before you are done making your juice, it will depend on what you are juicing and how big your juicer’s pulp collector is.
  • Make sure that you have a cup or some sort of container for the juice to flow into:)

    Glass for juice to flow into… don’t forget to do this:)

Now I am sure that I will have more pointers as the days juice by…. I have 8 more days after today:)

Here is my recipe for  Perky’s Morning Joy in a Coca Cola Glass.  But first let me say isn’t it ironic that something so healthy is in a Coca Cola glass.  Funny thing was it was the only glass I had that would fit under the juicer spout:)  This formula comes William approved… I think being in the Coca Cola glass had something to do with his smile as he drank it for breakfast this morning:)

Perky’s Morning Joy in a Coca Cola Glass 

  • 4 juicing apples (just quarter them, don’t bother to peel or core them, the seeds and peel go out the pulp shoot)

    Juicing apples in quarters ready to be juiced

  • 1/2 cantaloupe ( first wash off your cantaloupe then, peel then wash off your cantaloupe, then wash your cutting board & knife ..THEN cut into small spears that will fit into the feeder tube, dont’t worry about seeds…. NOTE  ….FOOD SAFETY ALERT:  MAKE SURE TO PEEL YOUR CANTALOUPE BEFORE YOU USE IT….. )

    Half cantaloupe cut and ready to be juiced

  • 1/2 pineapple (just cut off the top and the bottom, then cut into pieces that will fit into the feeder tube)

    Half a pineapple cut and ready to be juiced

  • 6 sprigs of parsley
  • 1 peach ( make sure to remove the pit, this is the case with all stone fruits and then cut into slices that will fit into the feeder tube)
  • 1/2 inch piece ginger root (no need to peel this, by the way some times this is found in the Asian produce area, ask your grocer if you cannot find it, most big stores carry fresh ginger root)
  • 5 carrots (no need to peel or even cut off the tops or bottoms… just put the whole carrot in, unless it too fat for the feeder tube then cut it so that it will fit)

Thoroughly wash all the items listed above.  Then put into the feeder one at a time, slowly.  As you glass gets filled with juice you can  pour it into a pitcher.  This makes about a half of a pitcher.  Serve in Coca Cola Glasses, wine glasses or even martini glasses.  If you use martini glasses you could rub the glass in the pineapple juice left on your cutting board then dip the glasses in lemon sugar (see above for Lemon Sugar)

This would be a great drink to make an adult beverage maybe with some vodka or for an Autumn party with some dark rum:)

Sit down and enjoy your healthy drink, Perky’s Morning Joy in a Coca Cola Glass:)

Coca Cola glass filled with Perky’s Morning Joy

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